Sunday 6 January 2013

Sunday Practise ride :)

Hello world to my first post centred around my ride today :)

As my friends who live around me know, today was a very snowy day and so I was for sure riding inside. But before I went riding I treated myself to a pedicure with my sister :) Here's a photo of my toes afterwards.
If you are ever thinking about getting a pedicure but aren't sure if its worth it, it is! It was my first ever pedicure and it was amazing and my feet felt amazing afterwards!

Anyways, back to my riding. I went out to the barn at around 2:30 and went out to get Simon who was thankfully near the gate. But he was covered in snow! Here's a photo of when he got inside, but this is after i brushed him off a little bit. 
Once I got all the snow off of him and tacked him up I went into the arena and warmed up. There was a few other ladies in the barn and they had a cavaletti and a pole set up, as they left they asked if I was going to use them and I decided I'd challenge myself and do it. Simon was great over the cavaletti at the trot both directions and at the canter in one direction, but I'm not sure about the other direction he just wasn't feeling it haha. Once I got him over the cavaletti a few times and cantered around a few more times I cooled him down bareback. By cooled down I mean I mostly walked but I did trot just a bit :P . Here's a photo of Simon after our ride :) 
My next lesson is on Tuesday and if it isn't snowing I might go for a hack Wednesday :) 

See yea later :P 

I have school tomorrow :/ blah